Irish Photographic Federation

Competition Management System

Welcome to the 'all new' IPF online management and competition entry system.


This is now the primary way of accessing some IPF Online Services including Competition Entry, Competition Results, Catalogues & Galleries, Documents and Forms, and Event Tickets.
To improve security and increase simplicity of use, the system only accepts personal logins, and anonymous or shared accounts are not permitted.

If, when registering a new account, the system informs you that the email address already exists, please use the 'password reset' option.

New Accounts and Lost Passwords

To register a new user account, press the Login button and then click on the light blue 'Register' button.

If you have lost, or do not have a password yet, but are registered on the system, press the Login button and click on the orange 'Password Reset' button.

Please note, this website has been tested on desktop versions of Google Chrome, Opera, Firefox and MS Edge. It may not work correctly on other browsers such as Internet Explorer, Safari, tablets and mobile phones.

If you are having problems with this online management system, please use the Contact Us option at the top of the screen.
